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Lisa studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge, receiving a double first and placing second in the year. Through this time she studied chemistry, physics, geology and maths, and specialised in chemistry for her masters. 

Lisa gave up the opportunity to do a PhD in organic chemistry with Prof Darren Dixon to remain working at Sky News. 

Lisa was part of the Royal Society's Science Book Prize, chaired by Bill Bryson, in 2005. From this, she developed a working relationship with book publishers Dorling Kindersley as a science consultant and author on children's science books since 2005. 

When her own daughters were born, Lisa was the first to create science books for very young children; the 'Mini Scientist' series. Lisa saw that children explore, touch and experiment before they speak, and so they are 'mini-scientists' before they are linguists. 


Lisa is always particularly keen to work on science reports, events and documentaries. She has opened Science Week Ireland, given talks, demonstrations and interviews at the Cheltenham Science Festival.

In print and available

Baby Rocket Explains Rocket Science (9780241395820) 
Science Experiments (9781405362863)
Science Is Magic (9780241358269)
Inventors (9780241412466)
How To Be A Scientist (9780241283080)

The Really Incredible Science Book (9780744033328)

The Most Explosive Science Book In The Universe

Ask A Scientist

Previous books currently out of print but available on some sites:

Mini Scientist In The Garden
Mini Scientist In The Kitchen
Mini Scientist My Body
Mini Scientist Water Fun
Experience Extreme Weather
Wow! Science
Nature Explorer
Eyewitness Activity Weather Watcher

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